Proposition de projet dans le cadre du programme URBACT (en anglais)

Urbact, qu’est ce que c’est? Lancé en 2002, Urbact est un programme d’échange d’expériences entre villes européennes souhaitant partager leur savoir-faire et le diffuser auprès de tous les acteurs des politiques urbaines.

A project proposal is under development to be submitted at the next URBACT Call for Action Planning Networks.
The project is related to Culture and Creative Industries (CCI) and the draft idea is how the CCIs can be useful to Urban Development.
For the first phase of the submission we would like to partner up with 5 mid-sized cities from across Europe with the following characteristics:

– The City must have been a Candidate for European Capital of Culture (ECoC) in the past or is currently biding for the prize
– Has been awarded the title of the ECoC
– Hosts or is a candidate for similar major Cultural Events (for example UK City of Culture)

For more information or to express your interest to participate at the partnership please contact us at

We will try to answer every e-mail but due to the large volume of messages expected, please understand some delay.

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